Stop Popping with Your Fingers!
Now we have these tools to do such a job for us. This blackhead removal kit is designed to replace your finger, helps to minimize the risk!
➤Usage: For acne, blackhead, white head, blemish, pimple, comedones, blain
Here are the suggested steps to use these tools:
1. This product is suitable for acne, blackheads/whiteheads, acne and fat granules
2. Please wait until the acne turns into fat particles before removing it with acne tools.
3. Clean the skin and disinfect the acne tools before use.
4. Use a moisturizing mask or toner to open the pores of the skin before using the tool.
5. Hold the acne-prone area in front of a mirror and make sure you can clearly see blackheads or fat granules in the mirror.
6. For fat granules, pierce with the needle set first. It may cause some pain.
7. Use the tool to press/cut off blackheads or fat granules. It may cause some pain.
8. In the morning and evening for the next 2 days, use aloe vera gel on the skin that has removed blackheads or fatty granules.
9. Repeat once a week for about 3 months, the blackheads will slowly come out.